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Help! I'm having a Money Meltdown

To all my friends of TAM help! I feel like I'm losing my mind, that I'm a complete loser. I will be 37 years old this year, I have two great kids, but I feel like I'm such a loser with money. I"m still paying off student loans from when I was 19 and 20 and I don't even have the degree. I"m going back to school on my employers's dime this time (thank god). Is it common to still pay off student loan debt at almost 37? That's one instance that I feel like a loser.

Second, since the divorce I have roughly $10000 in credit card debt, and I feel like I'm just barely surviving. I pay 25% in child support (which I have no problem with) but I"m just figuring out how not to be the paycheck to paycheck loser.

I feel like I can't really do anything with the kids. I can't take them on vacation, can barely afford to give them $10 for a book fair.

I'm going to be moving in with my girlfriend this summer, she loves my kids, has no kids of her own, she knows of my money struggles and doesn't judge me for it.

I just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I work retail, work like 50 hours a week, and I feel like I'm always going to be a money loser!!!!

Seems like every two weeks I'm literally suviving on the last $5.00 I have until I get paid again.

If something were to happen to my car, I couldn't afford a car payment.

Am I unusually bad for this position in my life? I feel like I'm a horrible person and a failure.



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