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How to move forward?

I am married for 2 years. I moved here from another country after my marriage. My husband is the breadwinner in the family. I am a house wife. We are comfortably off, money wise. For the past 2 years, I have been improving my CV; writing exams, getting recommendation letters etc.

My husband has slapped me four times, the first time because I hadn't started practicing and a deadline was approaching. The second time because I didn't speak loud enough. The third because I revealed something by mistake even when he told me not to. The fourth because we disagreed on the issue of pregnancy.

His excuses:' I lost patience with you'. He did keep telling me to practice for over 2 months.

The second time: He asked me to check for the source of bad odor the previous day and when I didn't respond immediately he did it himself. The next day he asked the same thing and I said I would check later but he couldn't hear my response so he slapped me.

The third time: Obvious

The fourth time: We made plans a year ahead and now I wasn't agreeing to his plans. I was concerned with risks of attempting a fertility treatment and I wanted to lose weight ( it would help my condition). He has been at me to go to gym to lose weight since a long time. I practiced dieting instead but it hadn't helped much.

After the recent episode we didn't talk for two weeks. I want to give my marriage and husband a chance. Please don't judge me for my decision. But, I am having a hard time dealing with forgiveness. I know I have some faults but so does he. I am aware and committed to improving myself but I am concerned about him because although he gave me his word that wont slap me again, I fear it is only words. I am still angry at him. He expects physical intimacy; I am having a hard time even looking at his face. How can I let this go, so I can move forward?


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