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Female Friends

Yep.. the old opposite sex friends debate. My STBXH has had inappropriate "friendships" with females, usually ones from his past, for the entire 13 yrs we were married. A few he got way to close to, one her definitely had an EA with.

The usual EA stuff: my wife is mean to me, she doesn't give me sex, she is a horrible person. The typical speel of cheaters.

I set boundaries with him after I found out he had been seeing these women all along, even though he says "we're just friends". After he crossed that hard line last summer, after he lied and said he wouldn't see them anymore, I asked him to move out.

Fast forward, he confesses to me in Spring this year one of his "friends" is pregnant. To him. I file divorce papers.

Lately he has been showing true remorse and confessing having these female relationships was indeed harmful to our relationship.

So just when I think he's actually owning it and maybe he will change....

I find out today he's taking our son along on outings with yet another old female "friend".

He just doesn't get it, he never will. He never cared enough to realize what damage these "relationships" had on our marriage.

They never change, its in the genes.

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