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Girlfriend's problem with lying.

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Basically, my girlfriend has admitted she has a problem with lying. Usually it's just trivial things like anyone else, but occasionally it's bigger things. It appears to have gotten better with time (she seems to be lying less, although she could just be getting better at it). There's two incidents in particular that stand out.

1) After about two months of us being together. We were sitting on the bus and she got a text from an unsaved number. She claimed she didn't know who it was from and didn't read it. I later found out that she been going behind my back, and texting another guy. She denied it around 10 times before I proved I knew she was lying, which is when she came clean. I saw the messages between them and they appeared to be pretty harmless, and she said she lied about it because she wasn't sure how I'd react to her having male friends (even though I've never had an issue with it).

2) Then again today (we've been together around 7 months), she asked to borrow my tablet to check her Facebook. When she opened her messages, there was one from a guy she used to meet up with (until around a month before we got together), and it said "(her name) you're gorgeous!". She didn't open the message (all I saw was the preview), apologized that I had to see it, then logged out of Facebook. That bothered me a little, but then she said "I don't know why he's done that, I've not messaged him in months".
But she was lying. I knew she'd been messaging him at least a week ago. I said I knew she was lying, and she apologized, and again said she did it to protect my feelings.

We're both going to university in September, and we were planning on trying to make it work, but right now I'm not so sure. What should I do about this? I just need to vent to be honest.


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