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I've been browsing and perusing this forum for awhile now, and wanted to ask, or perhaps, get "something" off of my chest for awhile now.
Maybe the title is misleading? Perhaps. But I've got to ask my question now. I've found going to friends to be impossible, especially on this subject. So here I am.

So my wife and I have been married for a couple of years. We have one daughter. She is several months old now. Before our daughter was conceived, we had been using birth control pills. The sex was fantastic! Nearly every day! Sometimes two or EVEN three times a day!

She got off of the pills because 1. We wanted kids and 2. The pills had side effects to which my wife wasn't liking. So around 6 months or so after being off of the pill, we became pregnant. Our sex lives sky rocketed for the next 9 months. Our baby was born and I started using condoms. She doesn't want to be on the pill anymore. She doesn't want to try any other form of pill or brand. I've suggested other forms of BC, like the IUD, or implant, or NuvaRing. Nope. The negatives are too much for my wife. So condoms its been.

This is where the problems start. Condoms. I've been forced back into my highschool days. Reliving the moments of my sexual youth and also mediocre sex life due to how condoms rob the sensation of sex from me. For my wife, the feeling is the same. For me, its become an act that I force myself to accomplish to please my wife. I feel I no longer enjoy sex any longer.

I've discussed the issue with her, many many MANY times. She said she's willing to talk to her doctor about other forms of BC, but hasn't bothered to make the appointment, despite my pleading to do so.

I'm just so frustrated! I want to enjoy sex again! I understand where she is coming from, about taking the pill and the side effects. But as it is, our sex lives have gone down hill. A nose dive. And I want it back on track!


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