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Hard to get things started again after a drought

So it's been a month, again. It seems like after a few weeks that "disconnect" sets in and it's difficult for me to get myself in a frame of mind to initiate anything with her. I'm not really sure why, either. I've been trying to figure it out myself and if i had to make a pie chart it would probably look like 40% apprehensiveness, 20% not giving enough of a crap, 10% resentment, and the remaining 30%--i don't know what...resignation maybe?

After all the effort made on my part, and finally getting her on some medication for her thyroid, I don't want to flush it all at this point, but it's like I'm having some kind of mental block that keeps me from initiating anything (I know I can't depend on her to initiate anything--it's either me do it or nothing). I'm probably just being a chickensh*t and need to nut up, but every time I try to do something she looks so completely wrapped up in everything besides me it's like "christ, why bother?" Defeated before I begin.

Tips on getting through this block? Am I just a puss-cake?

Edit: just realized 20% not giving a crap and 10% resentment are probably the same thing. Guess I can consolidate my pie chart to 30% resentment.


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