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Can your wife prefer a sex toy than being with you?

I have concerns that my wife perfers her toy than being with me. Look i understand that everyone has there own private moments and i think that is healthy, but when it starts to impead on your relationship then i think it is a concern.

I have been with my wife for about 12 years and our sexual relationship has been good, but is slowly getting less. I always thought this was normal as in relationships this happens especially with kids come along.

At the moment we have sex once or twice a month and i was comfortable with this, but about 6 months ago i found that my wife has a sex toy. Before i found the sex toy we would have sex around 4 to 5 times a months.

She didn't tell me about it and thats fine, and she doesn't know i know. Over the 6 months i have continued looking at where the toy is and its placement. It moves position alot so i gather when it moves that is when she is using it.

I would say over the six months she would be using it around 2 to 3 times a week. As said i understand that everyone has there private moments, but i am concerned she is preferring to use her toy than being with me. If this is the case i fear for our relationship in the furture. I love being intimate with her as i feel that is when we are really close.

She does has some self image problems, she has had depression in the past when kids come along and understand time factors especially with kids around. Would this have something to do with it? Maybe she feels more comfortable doing it on her own as no one will judge or it is easier for time or she doesn't have to live up to anything? I do not know, i am just guessing.

Some advice or other examples where this happened and how you have dealt with it would be good?

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