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Can you help me make sense of this?

I am really confused and looking for help

I dated a girl for a month (Im 25 she is 21), her and I got along great, we had great chemistry, for the month we were dating we talked every night and we hit it off more than I have with a woman before. She was REALLY into me too and was making plans off in the distant future already for us (I was actually shocked how fast she liked me and how quickly she was starting to think about stuff we were going to do together a year off into the future)

Anyway fast forward to Saturday night, we had a MINOR disagreement. Nothing major, anyway I felt kind of bad about it the next morning, tried to text her, she didn't answer then I called her later she didn't respond. She eventually texted me that she thought I was being needy by calling her and texting her (note she called me every single night we were dating). That turned into a disagreement (I told her I didn't think I was needy, she said she didn't think she could date a needy guy and was not sure if we would work, I told her I agreed because I was mad she was accusing me of being needy) and we kind of mutually broke up (she acted really immature, wouldn't call me and did it over texts and cussed at me in a text when I tried to call her). She called me 3 hours later, told me we should be just friends, I kind of said I didn't really want that and she hung up on me. She called me again that night a few hours later, I was a little tipsy and she sounded really upset so I didn' t want to fight with her then and I just let her talk. She went on for 30 minutes about her day and normal stuff, not once talking about anything that happened that day. She texted me that night that we should hook up and I responded she had me absolutely confused.

I woke up the next morning (Monday) and texted her that she shouldnt text me like that anymore if we aren't dating. She didn't respond all day and then called me that night. Again she told me we should be friends and see where it goes. After she hung up she texted me "I want to work this out". I told her I am willing to as well.

Tuesday we exchanged a few texts, nothing serious. She called me that night and we talked for a while, not discussing our relationship. She started getting into some stuff that I would consider girlfriend talk instead of friend talk, even mentioning how she was horny. We hung up because she had to go to bed. She texted me 30 minutes later saying "I dont think I can do this", I responded what? and she called me and told me she doesn't think she can be just friends with me and she doesn't know what to do. The conversation ended with her saying maybe we shouldn't talk anymore and I told her that we should at least not talk for a few days to figure out what we want. She agreed

So yesterday I don't contact her once, she calls me at 11 pm and starts talking, kind of acting like the conversation we had the night before didn't happen and she even made a comment about how I didn't text her that day. I told her "I thought you didn't want me to talk to you" and she said "thats not what I said". She went on to complain about her life and how busy she is and doesn't know if she has time for a relationship (she sounded kind of depressed). I felt really bad and spent most the time trying to cheer her up and console her. We ended with her saying she had to go to bed and she finished the call with "Goodnight sweetie, ill talk to you tomorrow".

So today I have decided to contactless again with her, I am trying to make sure she is really interested. She works until 6 everyday, so she hasn't called me yet, but I expect she will call me tonight. But my question is, what should I make of what is going on? Any input would be helpful, because I am CONFUSED as hell. She is constantly changing her mind, and she is the one who suggested not talking anymore, yet she has initiated almost every contact since we "broke up". Any suggestions would be welcomed too.

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