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Am I overreacting?

I turn to forums for general unbiased opinions. Please help me out with validation or honest truth.

I am married to a man who I know loves me and I love him. I am 49, he is 53. Husband loves a buzz, he mostly drinks, but lets it be known he loves the drugs. When he was in his late 20's he was a meth addict but overcame the addition. Husband jokes when someone is prescribed narcotics..."How much do you want for them".

Been married two years but dated for 7 years (I had a hard time committing after first marriage). He did do drugs a few times and it always created a fight.....obviously I'm against drugs. He gained my trust and I never thought twice about it.

About a year ago, I had a gut feeling. I find out he is using Oxy's. Says he is in dire pain.....he does have arthritis and back pain. To avoid divorce, he promised to stop. I don't want him in pain, so we went to pain clinics, got cortisone shots, even a replaced hip. He was so sick during hip replacement he didn't do the hard core narcotics I trusted him. No reason to suspect.

About three weeks ago, I find a Soboxon wrapper. Me, knowing its some sort of drug, researched and learned quickly. Same lies, denial and then he turns the table on me.

We immediately begin sleeping in separate beds. He indulges in drinking and is obnoxious every night. A week passes and his 19 year old daughter comes for a visit. She has her own issues, but she understands why I'm angry. She does the go-between, tries to fix. She loves her daddy very much. She plays wife....brings his coffee, cooks, takes him for more liquor, party in the kitchen, party outside, party in room....she is there! She tolerates his obnoxious behavior even when he turns on her!! "Oh Daddy, you stop that" a baby voice.

One night, well 2am, he goes to his daughters room, says he cant sleep. She is up listening to music, so they go to his room. He starts dozing and she gets up to leave....he asks her to stay. She sleeps on the small couch we have in the room. Daughter is telling me this and I think nothing of it. It was the younger daughter who jokingly said, "Your getting close with dad...your even sleeping with him" wasn't there but it didn't set well.

Next morning, I see they are sleeping together again. I go outside, there is bottles and wine glasses. Now they are drinking together? We have always made it a rule not to do that.

Daughter lives with an aunt and was rescheduling her return because her daddy needed her. I wrote to the aunt and asked her to encourage daughter to keep to her plan because there is interference here, she is not helping matters and now she is sleeping in the same room and I feel it is unnatural.

Husband intercepts my email. He is furious, so I admit I am weirded out by them sleeping together......a huge explosion!!! Daughter is dare I even say such a thing. THEN, to show me....they moved the party to the camper.

I want to know your opinion. Do dads need daughters to sleep with them? Maybe I'm jealous of their closeness? I turn to strangers because I'm embarrassed to ask my friends or family. Please tell me what you think.


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