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Is sudden "sparks flying" attraction usually mutual?

I have known this guy for a few years, he is a friend of a friend and I don't see him very often just now and again at gigs. I always thought he was a nice guy if a little reserved but then I can be like that too. He isn't someone I've ever looked at and thought "wow, he's hot" in fact his looks aren't obviously appealing. He is quite short, about 5 foot 5 (same as me), he is very slight, wiry in build, wears glasses and his hair is receeding quite a lot. I'm not picking holes in his appearance to be mean only to point out that he's not the sort of guy coasting on his looks! He is not a student or graduate, he's a carpenter and works for a small business he co-owns.

Anyway, last weekend we meet at a concert and a group of us go for a drink after. I end up standing next to him and we get talking. There he is looking right in my eyes, its a bright room and I see his pupils are way dilated and I just feel this very strong, sudden attraction to him out of nowhere and at that point I just want to know everything about him, what he reads, what he does, I want to touch him and kiss him. I never really had that before. I had to leave to get my last bus but I haven't stopped thinking about him since.

I don't know when I will see him again, I hope soon just to see if I'm not out of my mind at what I felt. I felt like it was mutual at least to some extent but it could be my mind playing tricks on me. What do you think, when that very sudden, unexpected, sparks, attraction thing happens like that is it mutual or is it just as often one sided?

What do you think?


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