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Does it matter if your boyfriend is unmotivated?

I've been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half and he's wonderful and makes me happy. But I can't seem to get over the fact that he is so unmotivated about his future prospects. I'm 21 and I take our relationship seriously, and so does he, and we've talked about the future. Personally I'm an extremely driven and ambitious person, so the fact that he's not ticks me off, but I don't know whether I'm being fussy or not, maybe it shouldn't matter and I should just be happy with his personality?

We both attend a good university and he's studying law and he knows that he'd like to become a solicitor. But he's repeating first year because he failed it last year, and he's still not doing well, and I think this is down to laziness because he's intelligent. I've heard it takes a lot of commitment to make it in the law field but he has absolutely no work experience or anything to put on his CV, and has never even thought about it, despite having parents in the field. I've tried over and over again to motivate him to work hard but it doesn't work, however he's promised this time to work hard for his summer exams and ask his mother about getting wok experience.

I've really struggled with my thoughts about this because he's truly my best friend and I can hardly envisage my life without him. But I'm so scared of him just getting no where in life as it doesn't fit in with my future aspirations. Should I just continue to motivate him, or should I just accept him for who is, or should I leave him so we can find different people with the same outlook on life to us?


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