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Walking Away ...

Dear S,

I am writing this email to express my final thoughts on this last chapter of the tragic tale.

It is plainly obvious from your words and actions that you do not wish me to be any part of D's life, and you do not want D to know me as his father.

For this reason I have no choice but to walk away. There is no other option.

Of course I will always pay maintenance for him, and provide for him however I am able. Your alienation of me as D's father will do great damage to him as he gets older, but there is nothing I can do about this. The whole point of the weekly Skype was primarily for D to know me as his father, not for you to provide the 'privilege' for me to see my own biological son. But as you cannot or will not acknowledge me as his father to him during these times then these Skype calls will cease.

The perverse pleasure that you derive from devastating me when I am at my most vulnerable does not affect me anymore. Like water off a ducks back; it matters not.

Regarding our upcoming divorce, you can serve me at work, on my birthday, at home, on our wedding anniversary or at any public place at any time of the day or night. It will not hurt me.

You can go ahead and publish this email to FB Mothers Group, tell all your friends and family and seek any and all validation that you require. You can continue to demonise me to all and sundry, as you have been. I am ok with this.

I do not want to you, your family or anyone connected to you to contact me in any way, shape or form again.

Signing off,


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