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Newest developments in wife gone lesbian case.

Long story short, cutting back to my post on ladies section about my partner leaving, then going lesbian. Our kids spent a week with her parents. When they got back, my oldest indicated my FIL said some harsh stuff about me to them. I took issue with that and called them out on it.

Instead of this turning into a brawl, I think we both realized we are not cool with what my ex is doing, concerned, and they obviously don't have my side of this story. They invited me for dinner to smooth things out and answer questions. They want answers and apparently also do not approve of her new lifestyle.

I am seeing some things with her new lesbian friend that mimics a 16yo boy IMO and not in a good way. Showing off and trying to impress my ex like crashing a motorcycle. Things I might have done in high school but grown out of. This girl is older than me. 38 IIRC.

I have no idea what to expect here but I feel I need to man up and at least have a good chat with the in-laws. I am nervous as hell because we have never really sat and talked EVER but I guess better late than never. If nothing else, set some ground rules for our boys.


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