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Am I being a baby, or was this rude?

So I am having a bit of a debate with my husband and want a neutral (or as neutral as possible) third party to weigh in. He says I am being a baby and way over sensitive about something his sister said to me, I think it was very rude.

Here's the story, I'll try to make it short:

Things have been going very poorly for me financially and career wise. I have a college education, but I have been completely unable to find any sort of job in my field. I have literally tried everything, from going to networking events and job fairs, doing unpaid internships, freelancing for basically 3rd world wages, studying related subjects and doing online courses trying to learn new skills to add to my resume, and of course applying for hundreds of jobs online. I have even hired two different recruiters to help and they didn't get me anywhere. I am still unemployed despite all of this. Maybe it's because I'm unlucky or because I'm terrible in job interviews. I don't know why it hasn't worked, I just know I'm still unemployed.

The field I am trying to get into is very competitive, but I still feel horrible about myself. It doesn't help that my husband and I are doing terribly financially because I am not making enough money to actually help with bills. Anyone close to me knows that my unemployment and failure career-wise is a MAJOR source of insecurity and embarrassment for me.

Anyway, my SIL was hanging out with us one day and asked how the job search was going. She had just landed a great job in her field and was very happy about it. When I told her that it wasn't going well and I was still unemployed, she gave me this disapproving look and said, "it sounds like you just need to try harder."

This really hurt my feelings because I don't know how to try any harder than I already am. My husband said nothing. He didn't defend me at all. Later when I told him how much the comment hurt my feelings he just rolled his eyes and said "quit being so sensitive she didn't mean it as an insult. She's just blunt."

So, what do you all think? Was that rude or do I just need to get over it because it wasn't a big deal?

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