I need a guys help and advice. I'm 29 female living in a sexless marriage and I'm miserable. So my husband and I always had a pretty good sex life. I got pregnant with our 2nd child and everything changed. When i got pregnant my husband told me he didn't want to have sex anymore. It was too weird for him. So i didn't argue with him about it just kind of went with the flow. it made me feel so ****ty and ugly and fat my whole pregnancy. but i just went with it. MY baby was born and my husbands new excuse was we had to wait 6 weeks as per dr orders after a birth. OK. 6 weeks later, his new excuses was i needed birth control, ok. I got on birth control and now his new excuse is he work over nights and we don't have time. We have plenty of time. He leaves for work at 930PM and my baby and kids are in bed sleeping by 7pm. He has nothing but excuses. Here we are 2 yrs after i conceived our 2nd child. and nothing but excuses from his mouth. What man doesn't want sex with his wife. he doesn't have any desire at all. I finally said **** it and made a move on him 2 months ago and he couldn't even get hard or perform. WTF 2 years no sex n he can't get HARD?!?!? something is wrong. Well i found out he been watching porn and jerking off to it. I think he has a porn addictions. I didn't know about it until a few months ago. I saw it in his history and confronted him he said it was normal blah blah. I told him i wasn't comforatble with it for many reason and ONE being he doesn't have sex with me, And if its because of porm there is a problem. WELL. he promised not to watch it anymore. 3 months later i see his history again and all the porn. He says sorry and he needs help. 2 years and we still haven't had sex. I NEED INTIMACY with my husband. i don't feel loved or connected to him at all! What is going on???? what do you guys think? I honestly think its porn addictions. that or he's cheating.
Put the internet to work for you.
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