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Husband has sexual aversion to me - please help

My husband and I have been married for almost 3 years. We have one child together (not his biologically, but he's been in her life since she was 6 weeks old, so he's all she knows). Everything has been great until the last couple of months. We were always talking/texting, when he was home from work we were always talking/cuddled. We've never been like rabbits in the bedroom but several times a month was the norm.

I'm going to assume we're all adults here, so I'm just going to put this out there - and please no judgment. That's not what's needed here at all. I need advice. The last time that we had any sexual activity, he wanted to 69. I started doing my part and he wanted me to straddle his chest. I did, and when he went to do his part...apparently, I hadn't wiped well that day. He's been completely turned off since then. Not just turned off...repulsed.

He didn't tell me about it until 2 weeks ago. He was talking to a female coworker about it and ended up getting too close to her. They didn't do anything physically but there was definitely emotional infidelity. But I can get over that on my own. I love him and believe in forgiveness.

I just don't know what to do to get him interested in me again. He only holds me when he's asleep and doesn't realize he's doing it. He even has a hard time kissing me...the past few days it's been on the cheek. We went to a marriage counselor this past week, but she was more focused on his getting close to the coworker and didn't really address his issue at all.

We are thinking about seeing a sex therapist, but is this something that they can help with? Does anyone have experience seeing a sex therapist? He looked me in the eye last night and said "I used to think that you were the most beautiful girl in the world" - it's a gut wrenching feeling when the one who's made you feel like the ONLY girl in the world for three years suddenly has no interest in you at all.

PLEASE help...I don't believe in divorce. My mother has been married 5 times, my father 4. I am my husband's second marriage, he is my first. When I said I do, I meant forever. For better or worse...he says he wants me to be happy and he wants so badly for him to be the answer to my happiness, because he knows how much I love him. And I know he loves me...if we can get past this, everything else is great.

It's really embarrassing and humbling to write to a bunch of strangers about this, but my marriage is sacred to me. Aside from our daughter, my husband is by far the most important person in the world to me - not only my husband, but my best friend (until recently. I now feel entirely alone). able to offer some advice.


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