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My boyfriend is dying of cancer. Not sure how to act?

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Sorry about the blunt title, I just don't really don't know how to handle this.

Basically I'm dealing with a serious long distance relationship... that is nearing its end.

Despite the distance, we talk constantly, but its a very close friendship as much as it is a relationship. he has recently been diagnosed with cancer and does not have long left.
There is nothing that can be done to cure it.
I'm really struggling with this because I haven't been able to introduce him to my parents (for personal reasons),so can't talk to them about it, and when I tell my friends I'm struggling, they just take me for a night out... which usually ends up in them all getting dunk and trying to pull, which makes me feel worse.
But i don't know, seeing as the relationship isn't going to last, perhaps i should be acting more like a single girl?
On the one hand, the relationship isn't going to last for much longer, and he has been joking around about which of my guy friends it would be 'acceptable' for me to get with
But on the other, I don't want to look like "a betch running away once her boyfriend gets cancer" and I do really care about him.. i was looking at him as possibly being 'the one'

But thinking about this makes me feel selfish, because I don't know how to console him when he gets upset, I've never dealt with anything like this before, how can I tell him it's ok, when clearly it isnt?

I was just hoping for some opinions about how i can deal with this, am i just being a moany betch and need to suck it up and be strong?

Help? :confused: :o


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