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The Double Standard

I am noticing a common theme in this forum. Maybe it is just my perception, but here goes it:

When a man has a wife not interested in sex the responses are:
- she doesn't care about your needs and must be selfish (bait & switch, etc.)
- she should understand you are hard wired to want sex (marriage is a sexual contract, etc.)
- if she doesn't give it up she should not be surprised when you stray.
- you can't change her desire but if you do A, B, and C and the stars align properly you will get laid. Tons of advice on how to get her to give it up.

When a woman has a husband not interested in sex:
- It's who he is and you shouldn't try to change him
- he must be getting it somewhere else

Do you see my point? For the record I am a woman with a husband who is not meeting my needs.


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