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I got rejected

I met a guy through a social group in March and we got on really well but the night ended badly as he kept putting his arm around me and kept trying to kiss my cheek so I called him a womaniser. When I saw the guy out with friends 2 weeks later I apologised as I had felt bad about it for weeks. I realised his 'technique' is because he hasn't had a girlfriend and mutual friends have confirmed he is shy.

Since then he will travel 40 miles away for events and he always approached me and none of the other girls. He is shy and would watch me from afar. He would check the group multiple times each day for that week he was coming to an event. If my name was not down he would not come.

I told him last night I liked him and he said he fancies me and is still attracted to me still but he says he lost interest. I asked when he lost interest, he said he cannot remember. I didn't realise people stopped liking someone. He says we have nothing in common which I know is a lie. I said he doesn't know me well and why don't we hang out which he said he doesn't hang out with people he fancies. I didn't get this, if there is a spark wouldn't this be important. Then he threw it back in my face saying he showed me interest the first night and I called him a womaniser and that he isn't one and he wants a relationship.

He said he is looking for someone he has everything in common with - I don't know if that exists. I just feel so heartbroken at the moment I put my heart on the line and got these mixed signals.


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via Personal Recipe 2629984

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