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Long term relationship has ended...or has it?

Strange title I know but once I explain I'm hoping someone can shed some light on an extremely confusing and frustrating situation.

She and I are of the same age (late 40's) and have been together almost 10 years.
We broke up three months ago and I am past that "feeling like someone has died stage".
We still communicate daily and do things for one another such as rides to and from, cleaning, cooking,etc.

An issue that is confusing for me is that even though she left me she has moments of jealousy. She has several people that she talks to (as in goes on dates, hangs out with,etc.) and one in particular that she was talking to online before leaving me. He lives with someone that she is aware of.
Terms like "I want us to be close friends", "soul mates" and "always be there for each other no matter what" have been used.

She had said for quite some time before leaving that she wasn't happy but it wasn't just the relationship, she was unhappy with aspects of life in general as well. She also said that she is "fixing" herself and that I should attempt the same thing.

I understand my own feelings of jealousy because I am the one whom was dumped but why is she having jealous feelings? She has also said that she loves me but no longer in love. Even has said loves me not like a close friend but more.

Any advice from this point would be much appreciated because I know that I love this woman deeply. Unfortunately it took her leaving for me to realize just how much she did mean to me which sounds stupid I know.

I want her to be happy even if it's not with me but the jealousy, the explanation of her love of me are confusing and she switches back and forth from saying maybe we can try again after we've been apart awhile to it's never going to work.

What is going on here so I will know what I should do for both of our sakes.

Is it over or is it not? I'm lost here and I don't want to start another relationship until I can understand. I don't want to move on but one sided love affairs hurt both involved so what is this? I can't keep putting my life on hold which is what it feels like I am doing.


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