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The Asian girl's perspective

So as you've obviously made out from the title, I'm an Asian girl. I have Asian friends, I have White friends, I have black friends, and for all you care, I could/would probably (if the chance arised) have purple friends. My point is, I'm friends with people, based on their personalities and the way they are, not because of their race, ethnicity, or religion. I've noticed too many people, who choose their friends, solely based on the colour of their skin. How can you allow stereotypes and negative generalisations filter the people who you want in your life? I understand cultural differences can be a problem. But, I've had people say to me they'd "rather not get involved". I think this may seem minor right now, but it could potentially lead to a disastrous outcome.

I was wondering, has anybody, of any colour, ever felt the same? And what are your views on dating people from another race? Also, what comes to mind when I say I'm an Asian girl? Ah, can't wait for replies to the last question.

One last thing, racism isn't freedom of speech, it's sheer stupidity.

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