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Sexual assault against men

This is a nod to Anon Pink who asked a question in another thread that probably deserves its own title.

Any men out there who feel that they were sexually assaulted by a woman? I'm referring to the modern definition that we typically apply (mostly) to women today - sex, touching, rape, physical harm, any unwanted sexual act where you were coerced into the act or were too incapacitated to consent.

I'll go first.

First year of college, a friend and I have an apartment together. I'm in school full time, so I work as the assistant manager of a local fast food restaurant at night. Roommate throws a party one weekend, and lots of folks from the restaurant show. I'm not a particularly heavy drinker, but this night I have a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I don't really remember the party, but I remember getting so loaded that a bunch of the night is in black-out land. A large chunk of time is completely missing. What I remember was the exact moment my consciousness returned - it was like someone snapped on a light bulb. No fuzzy slow crawl out of a dark pit - just BAM!, and I'm right in the middle of the sex act with one of my coworkers, fully aware of my surroundings.

Now to be clear, I don't remember how we got there, but I do know that I wasn't even remotely interested in this girl intellectually, sexually, or casually. We were on good terms, and I was aware that she had at least some interest in me, but it was absolutely not reciprocated. We weren't even friends, just acquaintances. So my assumption is that she took the opportunity to take advantage of my profoundly drunken state, but I never actually asked any witnesses what happened.

Anyway, when I came too, I was pretty amazed. I put an end to our copulation immediately, trying to be tactful, all the while thinking "How in the hell did I wind up here?".

Embarrassment was what I felt more than anything. I had to work with this girl the next day, so I took the coward's way out. I was well and truly hung over, and since I had blacked out for at least part of the night, I pretended to not remember any of it. I overheard her talking with a friend in whispers, but she never confronted me about it, I never brought it up, and it faded into history.

It left no permanent damage, but I think that was the last time I over-imbibed to the point of blacking out. I think by today's standards this would count as a sexual assault, even if I never viewed it in those terms.


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