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Found out she has a boyfriend

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A few months ago I started texting a girl who I met on my university's Facebook group. After only a couple days I'd realised I'd fallen for her quite badly. For the next month we texted almost every day, and as we got to know each other I only liked her more and more. Loads in common, lot of stuff planned for when university starts, Skyped a couple times. Conversation was easy and frequent, unlike any other girl I'd ever met before, and there was even some light flirting (or what I thought might have been flirting). After I graduated, I flew out to a university meetup that she was attending. It was a pleasant day all in all, and it was nice to meet her. After that, I texted her a compliment calling her cute and left her alone for a week while she finished school. The next few weeks consisted of me trying to talk to her and her saying not much in reply. I figured she was just busy as usual, so the other day I sent her a longish message asking how she had been and w hat she'd been up to. A few days later, and there was no reply, so I sent her another message. To my happiness, she replied, but then I read what she wrote. She said that she was busy with work and friends, which I had guessed; but also a boyfriend, who had never been heard of before. According to her Facebook, she is single. A few more messages later and I'm left feeling, from her tone, that she doesn't want to talk to me again at least until university starts. I feel so down about the whole thing, and the difference between how happy and confident I was when we were texting compared to now is depressing. It would seem that there is nothing I can do but wait for university to start and try and talk to her there. At this point, I don't even care if she doesn't like me back or if it would never have worked out, I just want to stay close friends.


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