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Worried about going overseas/LDR

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Due to some unfortunate life events I have to go abroad for my career. I even have it all set up :( Normally this wouldn't be an issue and would be fun but I am scared of the whole LDR thing. She is supportive as she knows I must do it. The alternative would be to seek another career that would mean not following my dream.

I have been with her for over seven years and she is literally my life. My best friend and someone I talk to/see every single day. She has been getting quite emotional about it all too.

My biggest fear is I will lose her. My life is currently crap and the thought that the one thing good goes too may tip me over. She has reassured me but it doesn't seem enough.

How the hell do I keep in contact the same way from the other side of europe :( I feel my heart is breaking. This kind of mindset will adversely affect me overseas too no doubt. My mate told me you would be mad to think she will go but I have zero experience of LDR bs.

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