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Depression and anxiety affected my marriage


With encouragement from my husband, I started to see a therapist and was told that I suffer with depression and anxiety. I have been married a bit over three years, and I started to get depressed 1-2 years ago.

Looking back, all the pressure I felt from buying a fixer upper house with all the projects, having not enough money to do all, working in a new stressful job, having husband going back to school (he works full time), and not being able to (or now I think of it, it was my choice) go back home to my country for the longest time ever was simply too much. I worry too much to begin with and I couldn't handle the stress.

I started to get sad, depressed, withdrawn from my life. I didn't engage in any activities, lost interests, and was just thinking that I need to get out of this, but I couldn't and I didn't know how. Once you are depressed, everything looks in the negative spectrum. Your cup is always half empty. You notice things that are not important in life but depressed about them anyway. I treated my husband badly not paying attention to him or showing my affection to him, rejecting his sex.

As a result, it drained my husband. He was living in eggshells. The most positive human being I know became depressed and sad. He suggested us to go see a marriage counseling, which I am happy to do, but as of now, he doesn't know what will happen to us.

I am kicking myself. I feel so stupid that this is happening. I couldn't control my stress and enjoy life, and now causing this pain to my love.

Do you think our marriage will survive? Do you have any advice on what I should do? I am lost.

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