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Young married father of 2 in need for advice?

Hello and thank you for taking your time to read this. Like the title suggest I am a young father of 2 fantastic boys (2 and 5). I am 22 years old and am "Happily" married. Or at least I am. My wife and I has been together for 4 years going on 5. Married for a year and a half. (the first son is from a different relationship but I was here since he was a baby so he knows me as his father only) I work from home (dont make to much but def enough to help with bills) and my wife is the main supporter being a manager at a local grocery store. Ok now you know a bit about my life, let me start with the problem...

Like I said, i am happily married. but for the past week ive been noticing my wife has been closed off, always tired, seeming to be drained, un interested, seeming like shes disconnected. Of course I ask her to talk to me and if there is anything on her mind thats bothering her. Of course she says no its just the same old "im just tired". I accept it and try to be supportive for her. Let her know if her job is draining her ill look into getting a "real job" so she doesnt have to work as much. She works 40 hours a week, gets enough sleep but like I said im being supportive. I eventually get it out of her when were on our way to a mall that she has mixed feelings about our marriage. Im definitely hurt because prior to this week we've been very happy, very open with our marriage, and we are at its core very happy. She bursts out in tears telling me shes not sure if we are meant for each other.

I ask her is there anything specific that makes her feel this way. She says she doesn't want to always give me love and have to worry if she's being a good wife or not, she tells me she never got to experience life as a single person. I jump to conclusions and ask her if maybe she is not happy with me or this marriage, and if she feels like maybe there is someone else out there for her, she tells me "I dont know"

She says she knows she loves me, she loves our family, she is happy with me, so im like WTF! lol, i dont get it. Im very hurt by this cuz just 2 weeks ago we were taking trips to beaches, going shopping, staying home watching movies, just our everyday lives... and now this? So I tell her I cant just feel like crap and mope around all day, im keeping my self strong for my sons, but I cant do this if she is 50/50 about our marriage. Keep in mind since she told me all this, she acts closed off sometimes, then the next minute she's acting like nothings wrong, like we are normal. When I tell her this, I tell her I will be home every day when she goes to work so I can watch the boys. I tell her I will no longer be sleeping in the same bed as her because it confuses me, and i will look into sleeping somewhere else and tell her that I will figure something out (We have no family here) and not to worry about me just worry about her and getting her emotions in line and process everythi ng. I tell her im giving her what she wants by letting her go, She tells me no that she feels I should be here for the boys and its just back and forth that I will be but I get it out of her that she just wants me home for her. We have sex and seems like everything is good. I still feel there is something seriously wrong. This happened today and she is calling me "hon" or "babe" telling me she loves me, saying she feels better, but I still feel something very wrong. I need help....

I realize this is a ton of writing and thank you for anyone willing to put their own advice or opinion on this issue. Thanks for reading. Any opinions or extra questions would greatly be appreciated.

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