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Planning to talk to my ex; wrote down the things I wanna say. Is it worth a try?

Hey guys <3.
I am just looking to get some feedback on this letter I wrote. I plan to give my ex-boyfriend a call to say this. We broke up a week ago and in my heart I think it was the wrong decision. I broke up with him after he started to pull away from me. I was in a weird place transitioning to being home from school and got lonely. I was pushing him too much to hang out with me and talk to me. I was being needy and upset randomly for a couple of weeks. I got upset when he hung out with friends instead of me. I was pressuring him to be with me and confronting him with my feelings without taking a minute to rationalize my thoughts. I regret taking it as far as ending things. Here is the letter...I am also considering just sending as an email. Would a phone call be better?:

Hey, how are you?
I just wanted to talk and I hope that's okay with you and it's not too soon. If it is I totally understand but I do have some important things to say.
It's been almost a week since we spoke and I was just wondering where your head is at, if you feel any different since then cause I feel different.
I want to apologize to you. I feel like I made a really drastic move in ending things and it doesn't really feel right the way it all happened. See I've been trying to get a clear mind before I was ready to talk and I have realized how terrible my behavior has been. I don't blame you for pushing away. I was taking it personally when you needed time with your friends and that's completely unfair. I didn't give you much space or freedom cause I was having trouble with transitioning into my home life again.
See I never really had many close friends here since I am always away. And I kind of tend to push people away and cut them out of my life too quickly. But this week when I really needed to be around friends I realized how many people I actually had that cared about me and how important it was to keep those people close and spend time with them. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did when you wanted to be with friends. I do honestly enjoy when we spend time with your friends and especially your family. I really liked having the kind of relationship where we could do that.
I know you have changed your feelings about me since the beginning but we have grown up. We are not the same people we were when we met. But I don't want to grow apart. I know I haven't been the girl you fell in love with. I want you to know I take the blame for my behavior. I will work on myself if you are willing to work with me. I don't think we had any major problems in our relationship that are worth giving up what we had and all the effort both of us put into it. I don't want a huge commitment from you right now. The last thing I want is to put pressure on you; I just want to slowly take steps towards being in eachother's lives. I only have a few weeks till school and even if it is just until I leave and it doesn't work out; at least we tried before it was too late. When something good is broken, you try to fix it. You don't just throw away your favorite thing. I should've been more patient. Plenty of people go through rough times its inevitable after being together so long. But I don't think its something we can't get through if you are willing to try.

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