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Starting again

Hi folks,

I'm starting a new thread as my marriage is officially done and I feel like I need as much chat/advice as possible.

My original thread is here, I got some great advice there. I wasn't really fit enough to carry out the 180 when it was recommended but in fact it would have made zero difference as my infidel WAW is well in the grip of love as I write.

She destroyed everything for a 2 month affair.

I tried everything I could but she would hear none of it. She is full speed ahead, "to hell with the destruction and to hell with your life"

So I'm almost the stage where I'm accepting she is gone. getting some bad anxiety attacks frequently throughout the day.

I'm eating well, training, reading, writing, and seeing friends as much as I can.

Any tips for getting through this adjustment period appreciated!

I'm not going to waste my life suffering with this trauma forever.

Basically I need good energy and positivity to see me through this.



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