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daily couple routine

Soo I was wondering what couples in their early 30s or late 20s do after work everyday if they also go to the gym what time do they come home? Who does the cooking? Who does the cleaning? How much tv time do you have? What do you do in the weekends? Family visits or jus tyou guys?

Im asking because my husband comes home everyday at 830pm after he goes to the gym with his friends for 1hr 15 mins. He gets home at 620ish then leaves for the gym at 7 then comes back 830pm. I do the cooking and laundry. He thinks because right now I am not working and am searching for a job I should be doing this as he works. Do you think this is fair? We dont have kids yet. ISn't he working out too late? He and I are together in the weekend though. He is a little bit obessesed with working out. I feel lonely sometimes and would like him to help me cook etc. but I cant ask him to not go to the gym. Is 830pm later than most people would like to be together? Is going to the gym everyday Mon-Thurs (fridays he goes most time but sometimes doesnt), then sat and sun we spend together. Most of the time he doesnt go in the weekend but sometimes does. Out sat and sun is split between doing something ourselves and with his family. If we go visit his family fri, we might not go sat an d sun or if we dont go friday and do date night, then we will go sunday. That thing. He is close to this family.

I want people's opinions on this as I feel a lot of people work out these days and if you have no kids and are a young couple, how do you handle time with each other if you dont work out together. I dont like to go with him to the gym with his guy friends. What time do you cook and eat dinner for folks who go to work each day as well and have a job unlike me. I am not working right now so I cook and clean much more than him but do you think this is fair? I am looking for a job too though. I am not a housewife. Working towards geeting a job is time consuming too and so is it fair?

If one spouse works, should the other spouse be doing all the cooking and chores?? And would you be happy if your spouse came home at 830pm each day M-Th and also some fridays although not all (he gets off an hour earlier so he is home 730pm instead).


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