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Am I Missing Something?

Last night I met a woman and we started talking. Turns out she is recently divorced. She is now looking for her "soulmate".
As we continue to talk she fills me in on the back ground. She married when she was young. Her and her husband had two children together. They were married for 33 years. She decided to end the marriage because she said they just grew apart.
She said that her ex did not want the divorce and every time she talks to him, he just starts to cry and tell her how much he misses her, how he dreams about her every night and just wants her back. He can't concentrate at work, he cries himself to sleep every night, etc. etc. He says he will do everything and anything to make it work. Obviously he still has very strong feelings for her.
She said she was very sad that her ex was this way because it set a bad example for the children. She wishes they could just be friends and talk about the kids and the old days, but just not be married. She is sad that he can't just accept it and move on.
But now she is seeking her soulmate. She claims she still believes in the idea and has faith that she will meet this one person who will sweep her off her feet and have instant chemistry with. She says she believes marriage should last a life time and now she wants someone to grow old with.
Again I asked her why she is divorced. She said she filed because they just grew apart. There was no abuse, no cheating, no lying. They just grew apart.
Am I just cynical or is this woman just crazy? She has a man with whom she has had children with, they were together for 33 years, he still loves her.
I understand the part about growing apart but to me her actions are in direct conflict with her stated beliefs. She had a partner with whom she has a long history (over half of her life), they have a family, he wants (apparently desperately) to work it out. But she has ended that and is now off hunting for the illusory soulmate?
The whole conversation was very confusing to me, perhaps because in my situation, I was the man left behind. So is this woman chasing after a fantasy or what?
I am not asking this out of bias, but ut of genuine curiosity, as I am still trying to figure this out for myself.


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