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Should I expose the affair?

I have lost a lot of credibility within my unit now since my wife is located with everyone and I am away at a remote location. Her friends either accepted that he was "just a friend" or they saw how close they were and how long they hung around each other and didn't say a word.

She is a firestorm and so is her family and while we are both away they currently occupy my house which kinda scares me. I have tried for weeks to send messages to people but I stop at the last minute.

I found the Facebook page of the OM's significant other...with pictures of all their children. As more information rolls out I find that both my WW and the OM are serial cheaters and it seems to be motivated by sex.

Divorce is happening no matter what. The reason I hesitate to expose the cheating is because we return from deployment very soon and until the divorce I am letting her stay in the house with her family...all my stuff is already moved out. I fear that exposing the affair now will only make me look worse than she has already made me look. Not to mention that I am flying back on the same flight as her...

I should also say that the few friends I still have in the unit are trying to help in any way possible. One of them is working on a remote installation keylogger so I can try to catch more lies. She said it was only an EA but...lets just say that she fits the whole "gas-lighting, trickle truth, and blame shift" thing I keep seeing. Do I wait to see what is in her email or Facebook? I already know that there was plenty in there I didn't like and that was only in the first month of deployment.

I know I have posted before and if I seem disjointed or like I am leaving anything out I am sorry...but this deployment has really sucked the life out of me by itself...add the EA in there and I don't have anything left. I am trying to keep my mood up but all I can think about is getting home and just disappearing. All I see now is everyone getting posts that they are going to party when they get back, or safe wishes, and many other things...but I have been shut out by almost everyone which is making this harder. It is like she cheated and everyone went with her...

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