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month to month -- NEEDS TO STOP!

Ok so here is my deal -- we basically live month to month.

Me and husband both work full time. We got decent jobs -- BUT we pay rent for our apartment and my Sis in law rent as well. her BIL doesn't have a good job, so of course my husband being the only son/brother has to end up paying for her rent as well. Now we live with our in-laws. FIL still works, so he basically takes care of his and my MIL expenses which are not so much, but it still there. my husband is in school so basically if we calculate we are paying about 2 rents; monthly tuition which is equivalent to rent or car payments a month. we get paid monthly so after two weeks of being ok, he'll be like ok we are out for the month. what pisses me off is paying for my SIL's rent, i mean i know they are in a tough spot, but i went back to work, so we can help save for our own place, now two years down the road not a penny in the bank, and all the money is washing away. i want to send my 3 year old son, to some sort of daycare slash activities but i have to think twice b efore i do that. I know my husband is super super stressed with the financial situation we are in, but I don't know what to say. I just found out from my SIL that DH has been giving BIL some extra $$ on top of the rent to him every couple months and I am fuming over it, because that's money we need for our future. I don't know what to do, he tells me everything will be ok, once i am done with school. He has one year left, i pray after that things get better, i really really do.

Not to mention i have NO access to any of our banking information, i have two CC which sometimes work and sometimes dont. :mad: --- i can't tell anyone, because my parents would never understand. he has a lot of pressure from his parents and his sister and he just caves and gives into everything. i just hope hope that things get better soon, cuz it will effect our marriage in the long run.

The funny thing is i grew up in a household where my dad was sooo good with money (knock on wood) -- my parents didn't have any well paying job but he was always good with money, always spent where it was necessary and always always feared CC debt, he never even allowed any one of us siblings to get cc. Having debt was a big taboo in my house now we are swimming in it. :mad:

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