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Why an RA might not work:Can you cheat a cheater?

Dear Chump Lady, Can you cheat a cheater?

From the article:

"So the question is — can you cheat a cheater? No. In the words of the great philosopher Muddy Waters, "You can't spend what you ain't got, you can't lose something you ain't never had." To be well and truly chumped, you have give wholly of yourself. Narcissists don't invest themselves to the degree that a chump does. They don't commit. Narcissists lack empathy, and without empathy you cannot have intimacy. There's just not a lot of heart to give. Narcissists withhold, they hedge their bets, or they "love" very superficially. They love what you can do for them, how many kibbles you provide, how associating with you reflects back on them. That's a different sort of connection than love. In fact it isn't connection at all, it's association."

Another good piece by the Chump Lady.....

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