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Advice needed

There's this girl in my year whom I talk to. We studied together for the summer exams this year, but unfortunately she ended up failing one of the exams. When she was revising for the resit it was me whom she would ask for help (I didn't fail any of the exams, fyi). She would call and text me for help despite the fact that there are other people (in the library) that she could consult.

About three weeks ago, I decided to visit her at the library (I came to college that day because I had a document to pick up). I helped her with the topics that she was struggling with, while flirting with her. She didn't mind the fact that my legs was touching her legs for a good 5 minutes. She also didn't mind me touching her legs or grabbing her hands (although she did subtly move her hands after I grabbed her hand, but she didn't say anything about it to my face).

Her boyfriend appeared about three times but, at the time, I didn't even know she had a boyfriend. She didn't even refer to him as a boyfriend - she referred to him as "the guy that she likes going to lunch with". It was only when I saw her holding his hands, while I was outside talking to a fellow course-mate, that I realised. She later spoke to me as soon as she saw me, with her boyfriend beside her.

We still communicate with each other. There's absolutely no awkwardness between me and her. I am not sure if she likes me or not. It seems like she is more comfortable with me than she is with most people in our course.

Do you guys think she likes me? Some advice would also be dearly appreciated by me!

And yes, I am a guy - just in case anyone got confused.

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