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What is this bird playing at?

So I'm talking to a bunch of women on Plenty of Fish, several seem promising. One messages me and we seem to have a lot in common. Long story short: We tell each other everything about ourselves, have deep loving conversations and so on. This has been going on for 2 or 3 weeks. I thought I was in love. She asks to meet and then cancels because she's ill, a few days later I cancel the rescheduled meet (well in advance) because I'm ill, and we arranged to meet on Saturday, everything seeming fine.

Saturday: A text at 18:01: 'That's me finished work, be along in a minute baby' 18:05 ' I'm going to have to cancel, hows Tuesday?'.

I'd been getting ready all day, already phoned the taxi and thus a series of angry and emotional messages were exchanged. She says How dare you..blah blah blah...' and ' I'm confused and need time'. I try to contact her on Monday and she gives me **** and then ignores me. It looks over, so I delete her from Facebook last night, and she texts me saying 'Like your new photos xxx' This was after the kisses at the end of messages had went down from 7 to 0.

Other things: I stopped talking to every other woman on Pof and OKcupid after I started talking to her. For the first time I was actually getting lots of messages, and I'm annoyed about this. We have amazing text sex, mostly down to me. For someone who has only had sex once, I'm really good it, and she wants it all the time. This sounds crazy coming from a man but I think she might be using me for text sex. She texts me telling me she's horny, I hardly ever initiate anything.

She says she has only has had one serious boyfriend and is only 19. I'm 26 and have never had one. She texts me, I text back, this goes on for hours and then she just doesn't bloody answer. I see right now that she is on Pof, but I'd better my bottom Euro that she texts me in the morning with 'I miss you xxxxx'. This is all seems like a bunch of rambling crap, but It's messing with my head, interfering with my uni work and I don't know what's going on.

She's definitely not some black man in Arkansaw or anything. We've exchanged messages on Dundee's VLE, and we know everything about each other. Most will say: She is playing you, but I would quite like a girlfriend after all this time and don't want to balls it up by telling her to GTFO. Then again she may well be entirely mental.

Guidance plz

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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