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Why am I the only person he's not nice to?

Everyone thinks my H is the nicest guy. And he is, to other people! Just not to me! For example, he's quick to offer friends money if they need help, but when I ask for something expensive for a gift (not crazy expensive! Like, seriously, something that costs less than 1% of what we have in the bank), it's no. That's too expensive. What makes you think you deserve that? Or, if his parents need him to run an errand, he's off doing it. But if I need him to pick up the kids or watch them for half an hour so I can work, it's no, he's too busy.

The helping out his parents thing is what's setting this rant off. We moved near them 6 months ago, and since then he's been a model son. Helping, driving them places, you name it. He's self-employed so he has a lot of flexibility.

But when I had asked him to use his flexibility to watch the kids so I could work part time, it was always no, I can't. (I've always struggled to balance part-time work with SAHMing. It's a big deal to me, because it's so, so difficult to get a job if you've been totally unemployed for years). And I believed him at the time. But now, to see him almost effortlessly blend taking care of his parents just hurts. He COULD have done it for me, he just chose not to. All that stress, all that juggling child care and cutting back more and more on my hours because it wasn't worth it when I had to pay for a sitter... all that time he could have helped.

Why is he like this? I feel like if I do divorce him, people are going to be shocked. It's just that he's nice to everyone except me... Who's ever going to believe that? Why does he do this??

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