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I slept with my friends girlfriend.

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I'm now in a committed relationship, but before I was with my girlfriend my I had a one night stand with this girl. My friend had already slept with her, but he told me at the time he wasn't interested and I should go for it (this happened on a drunken night out, he actually told me to sleep with her), so I went off and took this girl home. Just after I slept with her me and my friend both said we didn't really want anything to do with her (and her with us) so we all decided it was best to just forget about it. These things happen. But a short while after, she contacts my friend-they start sleeping together quite frequently and a few months later they develop feelings for each other and they are now, as of yesterday, in a relationship.

This friend of mine is a true friend, a friend I hope to keep for a very long time, he's been with me through a lot of **** and I'm afraid that this will affect our friendship. We've spoken about it already, he said he genuinely doesn't care, he understands the context of what happened and knows that I genuinely wouldn't have done it if I'd have known what was to happen between them.

My girlfriend has met this girl, but doesn't know I've slept with her. Now that this other girl is going to be around a lot I'm considering telling her the truth. I slept with this other girl around the time me and my now girlfriend first got together (we were non-exclusive for a few months). But I'm worried that this will affect my relationship.
I'm now pretty worried about losing my girlfriend and best friend.

Any advice?


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