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Girlfriend problems!!

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About a month ago I got into a relationship with a girl (yes, I'm a girl, moving on..). I've had relationships with guys before but this is my first one with a girl so I'm very new to this. She, however, came out as a lesbian a year ago. So we're only a month in and I'm already feeling like she's not interested and distant, and it worries me because this early on we should both be excited and keen to see each other. She won't text back in the middle of conversations (especially when I bring up meeting up) and she will never initiate the conversation. In person at school she will walk straight past me if I'm with my friends and won't say hi or anything! I find it really strange, we're meant to be in a relationship?! Essentially, if I want to see her I have to seek her out and initiate everything. When we're alone together it feels normal and she's affectionate and sweet and I feel really happy. But as soon as I'm away from her the doubts creep in and I worry that s he doesn't really like me at all. Especially when I don't get any indication of obvious interest or affection 90% of the time. It just feels like I'm putting in all the work and it's making me seem really clingy and needy and desperate for attention/affection. I got out of a relationship with a guy about 6 months ago, who basically showed me little affection and kept deciding he couldn't commit etc. and I'm worried it's making me paranoid here and desperate for lots of affection and proof that she's actually interested and not just stringing me along. But the facts are that she doesn't text me first (which I know is stupid but it is an indication of wanting to talk to someone) and she just doesn't give me attention or show she cares! I know it's only a month in and I sound like I'm trying to make it very serious very early but I shouldn't be feeling this so early on surely!! Today I went to wish her good luck for something and I put my hands around her in a low hug and she j ust said "your hands are cold" and physically removed them from her waist. My friends think I'm being paranoid, but I just feel so ignored and like my efforts to show her how much I like her are being wasted on someone who doesn't feel the same way. I really want this to work but I'm really struggling to see how such a one sided relationship could. I am a strong believer in if someone wants to be a part of your life they will make an obvious effort to do so. I know how ranty and clingy I must sound but it's something that's really been playing on my mind and upsetting me and I'm just not sure how to go about this.
Sorry for babbling, just need some friendly advice on what I can do if anything!

How can I explain to her how I'm feeling?
Am I pushing her away by being too keen and affectionate?
How can I get her to show me more affection (I cannot express how stoic this girl can be sometimes I'm not just desperate for love!)?
Is the relationship doomed considering its early days and I'm already having doubts?

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