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Our journey after 1st MC session

Well some of you I'm sure remember my thread. Wife, boss, trip blah blah blah. If not, sorry it's been deleted and I may mention some things but I don't see the need to go into it again.

I am back just for some support as we continue our journey.

We went to our first ever MC last Monday night. I didn't know what to expect really except being asked a bunch of questions. Our therapist did ask questions but not as much as I thought she would. We talked as much as her trying to explain why we were there while my wife and I held hands, to confuse her. lol We all three talked equally so it wasn't weird or anything. Didn't get too much accomplished but I expected that on the first one. We go back Monday again. Suppose to come with the top three things we want to work on.

What's been going on:
Well I exercise/workout 3-4 times a week. Joined a gym that will open in May. My diet is much better. I get home in time to have a 30 minute sit/lay down to unwind, workout for an hour then cook supper. By then my wife is home. We talk while eating and cleaning up. The last say 2 hrs we either go for a coffee, walk or sex or an occasional tv show that we both like. She starts work usually at 7-7:30 until from 5:45 to 7:30. She is so exhausted this week but still makes an effort for us. I had the issue with her boss but that has taken a different form now. His intentions are not a worry for me now but he has been getting more demanding of her and her performance. He has been on her case lately to manage the team and time better. She is giving 200% I must say. Doing the best she can there and at home. If she is late I still get a bit upset and tell her. She promises it will change very soon. I told her to ask her boss today exactly what does he expect out of her as far as hours . One day he tells to do whatever it takes and then the next day he is asking her why she is there late. She said she would ask him.
I have been up and down depending on what happens with her. She has worked 11 days straight now. It has been okay but I do get frustrated some days when she decides to stay until 6 or 7. That makes her 11 or 12 hour days.

Other thoughts I have had that I brought up and want to ask here.

Do you ask for opinions from your spouse about issues? work, kids, anything.
Do you value their opinion?

Also, for those of you who know my story as I write this I am thinking about my wife is about to leave and go for lunch with her boss and other clients. Yes it's business but it still makes me uncomfortable a little. And yes she will be thinking about me too.


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