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How do I find out what my ex wants by messaging me??

Hi, my ex and I didn't date long, only a few months, but we're both young and each other's first bf/gf. We broke up last May, he ended it with me, and didn't really tell me why at the time, but my sister's friends with him and when she asked him one day he said it was because of the age difference (2 years).

Ok so since may if I saw him out, he'd ignore me and it was awkward, so 3 months after I sent him 1 long facebook message saying I didn't want to be awkward and childish and hope we can just be civil. He read it and didn't reply. Now, 3 weeks ago, he randomly popped up on Facebook asking how I am and what I've been up to and stuff. I basically replied but wasn't overly friendly without being rude. Now, there's a bit of banter going on a bit, where he says stuff like he's right (in context) and I'm like 'sure:/' etc but he sounds more friendly now.

Only thing is, I genuinely do not know what his motives are. Still after nearly a year, I feel like I still like him. We only send 1 message a day to each other, and I feel like I can't wait around all day for him to reply and decide what he wants, if anything. I'm not coming across as desperate, but I'm trying to show there's a little bit of interest. I don't know what to do, I can't really ask him 'why did you randomly contact me again?' ??


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