Help please! My husband and I have only been married for 11 months, and he has been gone for work the last 6 months. We have a healthy relationship, talked and facetimed daily while he was away, and I did get to visit a few times. We have NEVER had an issue with trust (though I have a lot of experience with dating liars in the past)- and I have never lied or kept anything from him. He is not the type of person to lie to anyone, let alone me, but this week I caught him lying about texting one of his girl-friends (just a friend, never dated each other, but she has also never supported our marriage). It took me several days to bring it up because I kept telling myself I was overreacting because I fully believe he would never intentionally hurt me or cheat on me. Last night, I asked why he lied to me about when he had last spoken with her, and he replied that "he didn't really lie," but he didn't tell the whole truth either. He then lied again-directly to my face and said they spoke a few weeks ago when I saw her message him on Tuesday this week! After telling him I knew the whole story he then admitted that he lied and apologized, saying he just didn't want me to be upset because she has never liked me. To make a long story short, there is another girl who he is friends with and the conversation shifted to her- he then lied twice in less than 5 minutes about talking to her, and only admitted the truth (that he facetimed her and talked that day!!!!!) after I asked to see his phone. I felt completely betrayed that he could lie to my face like that about something so petty! I have never told him that he shouldn't talk to either of those girls, and have been MORE THAN understanding about him having close friends who are girls. The fact that he lied about them both makes me question everything though and I don't know how to move past this! I have always told him that I could stand by his side through any situation- murder, infidelit y, addiction (not that he has any of those issues) but that lying would NOT BE TOLERATED! Where do we go from here and how do I forgive him??
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