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Boyfriend is getting fatter and fatter!

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We've been together 2 years and when we first started going out he was skinny fat... But more skinny than fat. He's probably gained about 2/3 stone since then and now it's getting to the point where he is visibly fat and there are rolls. I'm really turned off by overweight guys and just the feeling of his belly makes me cringe. He wonders why idon't want sex anymore.

It's such a sore subject for him he refuses to talk about it. He won't go shopping for new clothes because he's embarrassed about none of them fitting. He won't address his eating habits as he is "too busy" and he apparently doesn't have time to exercise. I thought maybe once his job settled down he would actually do something about his weight. But no.

It's just not an attitude i can get on board with. I'm quite health conscious and yes although i indulge sometimes i know my body and try to keep it attractive for my boyfriend. I go to the gym 3/4x a week. He will not even contemplate joining me.

I'm honestly at my wits end here. It's getting to the point where I'm just gonna have to spell it out for him. Do you think this is wise?


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