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I feel horrible, potential with a person with Cystic Fibrosis?

Hello all,

I am feeling somewhat melancholy at the moment. Basically I've met this girl through a mutual friend and she seems just too good to be true. She's funny, smart, ambitious and everything really, not to mention she's absolutely my type in every respect. We've met up a few times for dates and it's going really well (on our sixth now)! However this is going to sound pretty awful but... I'm unsure about the future because I've found out she has Cystic Fibrosis.

Now I know the jist of the disease, but the only reason I am cautious is that the average life span seems to be 20's/30's dependent on the mutation. I mean, what would any of you do in my position? She keeps very fit and exercises every other day, however she's been to hospital a couple of times recently, even days at a time due to a flare up of the condition. So my head is just a little messed up at the moment, when thinking of the long-term I feel as if I am putting myself in a position where in 5-10 years time I could lose them. I know this sounds pretty awful and I realise that many will judge me, heck I'd do the same if I was reading this thread from someone elses perspective.

Any advice would be great, I just need some other views in what any of you would do in my position.

Thanks all

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