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CRAZY situation!

(I have copied and pasted this from another forum I posted on so all of it may not be 'appropriate' for here)

I am in a sticky situation and most of you may think it's crazy (not a reaction I/we haven't experienced before).

I was 16 when I met my girlfriend online, she was the neighbor of my dad when he moved to Texas back in 2008. (I still lived in England). I was friends with her daughter on Facebook and that's how we met. So we got talking, fell in love.. however, she is married to a guy.
So situation one - Same sex, 29 years apart, already married.
As we talked more and opened up more, I found out she has never loved her husband, never felt anything for him and always wanted away because of the man he is .. she stayed married for 26 years out of fear.

My ex "online boyfriend" had hacked my emails and found an intimate email sent between me and her and forwarded it to her husband, so it all blows up. We knew, this is what we wanted, we were in love and we weren't going to let go of each other, so we kept fighting. Now 1 year, 6 months later - They are still married but we have met each other and had GREAT times and their divorce is hanging in the balance. Every time she tries to leave, he has printed several copies of this intimate email from when I were 16 and threatens to turn those papers in along with filing for divorce. He is so convinced he is going to get her jailed for 10 years.

Now, I wrote to her husband on Facebook saying please can you not talking about me publicly (after he posted a status about me) and if you have something to discuss, please stop taking it to my father, I am here, I can talk for myself. And I received very ugly threats what he is going to do to me, how I'm his worst enemy, he's going to shoot me, he's going to cause hell in the worst way possible for me, he's going to punish me and calling me names etc... all the while I stayed calm and explained your son is 16 years old, your daughter is 22, they still need their mother and as you travel for your job, there is nobody to support them if you wish to get her put in jail.

So that's the story cut kinda short (LOL) .. the main questions I want to ask is:-

Does she stay with him and continue pretending and being scared and abused?
Does she say DO IT, I am leaving either way!
Is this just an angry spouse looking for revenge who's going to make this divorce hell??

We are both broken and so scared, we don't know what to do!

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