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I'm losing everyone to cheating

Both my grandfathers were cheaters - both deceased now but hard to respect.

My father is a cheater - loss of respect and trust.

My husband is a cheater.......l

My brother is a cheater - same feelings as above.

Three of my friends are cheaters...:(:(

But now, my very, very close friend has informed me he is a cheater too. I tell him everything and now I am hurt again.

Is everyone who cheats untrustworthy or do they remain honest with some people and not with others? What has happened?

I thought I had at least chose good friends because of the dysfunction I have witnessed in my family but I guess I didn't. I am sooooo sad about this recent news.

He just keeps painting his wife as evil so he can justify his cheating. He did not want to hear that he was cake eating.

"She spent too much money at the grocery store"
"She wants me home to watch TV with her and I want to go out"
"She didn't hang up the coats that fell on the floor"
"She said I needed a haircut"

WTF?? This is what people spin in their heads as excuses for cheating. These are my friends that would never cheat, looked down on cheaters as weak and disgusting and now it's all fine and dandy!??

Oh, and make sure you tell ME all the ways you are sneaking around as if I have not heard ALL of them from my WS.

Just sad and disgusting. I know I lost a friend today and it is almost as painful as my own DDAY.

And I don't think he cares. If I don't agree with his choice he has no use for me. He wants to be given the OK.:confused:

Fvcking cheaters. Selfish a55holes. I hope they all get plowed by the Karma Bus.


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