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People think my boyfriend is gay.

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Whilst at uni, I have been going out with this guy for a while now and we are both very happy. However, I have a little voice in the back of my head
Some of my friends have admitted that when they first met my boyfriend they thought he was gay. Now, I think I thought the same thing for a little while, that he was quite camp, but as we became friends, then really close friends I began to think differently. The thing is, he openly jokes about this, joking that he always seems to get hit on by men in clubs, and he seems to use the fact he is aware he can be camp sometimes as a running joke. I always laugh along but part of me worries that there might be some truth behind his jokes sometimes.
He recently met my parents, and although they seem to like him they have mentioned to me lightly that when they first met him they thought he was gay.Of course I wouldn't have any issue if he was gay, but I would rather know and be honest. He has never dated anyone else but me either.

He always tells me he loves me, hes perfect when it is just me and him, he's so kind, is such a good listener, makes me laugh and makes me so happy.
But sometimes when he jokes about being gay etc and people mention this to me I worry that there might be some truth to what people are saying or truth to his jokes. I don't know, im probably worrying unnecessarily...


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