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The guy I like blocked me on Facebook

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Basically, I'm into this guy. He knows I'm into him. Nothing's happened between us but my friends think he could be into me (for a number of reasons that aren't really relevant right now). We talk on Facebook relatively often and he's always friendly and chatty etc etc. However, we don't talk in real life mainly because I'm not as popular as him so approaching him in school would be social suicide. My school is incredibly cliquey, as you can see. His friends don't know we talk mainly because he'd probably get a lot of **** for talking to somebody from a lower social status.
Anyways, last night I messaged him whilst he was at a party. He didn't respond for a while so I tried to send a follow up message a couple of hours later but Facebook told me that I didn't have permission to send it. Basically, he blocked me (I tried searching for him in my friends list and he didn't show up- confirmation).
Now what I'm left wondering is why he blocked me? Was it because I sent him a message when his friends were around- maybe they saw it and he had to make up some bull**** excuse like 'oh yeah, she's always messaging me, she's so weird, she's basically obsessed with me', leading to him blocking me? Something like that? Because I genuinely don't understand why he would block me otherwise.
I'm trying not to care so much because my school is ****ing ridiculous with all its social rules and **** but it really does suck. The only consolation I have is that I'm off to uni in October so I don't really have to be around them for much longer, just until the end of June when I finish exams.
So yeah, if anybody would be willing to help me understand, that would be great. We both live up north and us northerners are supposed to be friendly, right? :lol: that's part of why I'm slightly confused.

Thank you!


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