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Curfew at 21??!!!

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I'm a 21 year old female, 22 in 6 months. I'm absolutely sick of being treated like a baby. I don't necessarily have a curfew but if i come home after 1am they get so mad. Last night I got in at half 2 and they went mental my dad called me a whore and even hit me and my mum done nothing just yelled at me. I understand that they're just worried but i'm an adult now and they can't seem to let go of their little girl and its really frustrating me because none of my friends parents do this to them. Also they're very religious so of course that plays a huge part and the fact that they're very traditional and cultural. Anyway I go to university but live at home and work part time I pay my travel and phone bill and sometimes help out with paying bills at home yet they still treat me like i'm 10. Moving out isn't an option because that is too expensive. I've tried so many times way too many times to reason with them but they won't budge, i'm at my wits end. Any suggestion s? Please don't tell me it's their house their rules, I already know this.

P.S. what is the best way to move out at 21 in London? I work p/t and go uni although I really really really do not want shared accommodation. Ideally I want to be at home to save but I cannot stand it here no more.


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