It's not like me to come on the internet and make posts like this, which is why it's anon. I'm a 21 year old, going on 22. As with many self-conscious people on this forum, I'm single, and yes, a virgin. I've never been in a relationship with a girl, but I've never really gone out actively looking for one.
To be honest, I've only ever really fancied three girls. I'm a quiet person and am not really likely to approach someone. It's only really now that I'm thinking that I'm ready for a relationship.
But, I don't really know as many people since I've left Uni. At sixth form, I had quite a wide circle of both male and female friends who I saw regularly. At Uni, my friends again were quite evenly split between males and females. I was happy just having them as friends and never really thought anything more.
I've now come back home from Uni. My friendship group is now smaller. My Uni friends now live in different cities and we see each other rarely. At home, I only really see the males now. At work, a lot of people are my own age, but I would consider them as colleagues and not friends.
Anyway, to the point, with my friendship group going smaller, I'm wondering how to reverse this trend. I feel ready for a relationship, but have no idea where to start looking. I was wondering where the people of TSR found their partners? Would it be worth looking into dating websites, or should I stay offline for this?
As an aside, I'm quiet a shy and reserved person, particularly around new people and in new situations. I was wondering about people who may have been in similar situations, and if/how they overcame similar issues.
Apologies for the slight rambling, but I'm a bit of a dating novice :)

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