This guy started talking to me online, we had mutual friends who we are both close with so I started speaking to him. So we got talking more and he was lovely, and was initiating conversation ect and he asked me out for a coffee and lunch so I met up with him, he paid and it was good. After this we continued to text and it was okay at first, but now I'm worried he's getting bored of me and he doesn;t want to see me again. I'm concerned that I was texting him too much (I replied v quickly a lot of the time) so now when I've asked him to meet up again he's come out with excuses twice and he stopped initiating conversations over text like he did before we met up properly even though he does always reply. I am unsure why he has seemed to have lost interest so fast? Should I leave him for now or ask him what's wrong?

Put the internet to work for you.
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